Let’s Talk Kits

Let's Talk Kits logo. A blue talk bubble with the text "Let's Talk Kits."Our Let’s Talk Kits give families a starting point to talk about feelings, behavior, social skills, and life events. Each kit includes books for both kids and parents, and an activity. These items can be explored together or separately, but our hope is that they will encourage family discussion and sharing.

The kits checkout to CAPL cardholders only for 3 weeks and renew twice if no holds are pending. You can find them along the side wall in the Children’s Area between the windows and near the Theme Kits.

View our collection of 14 Let’s Talk Kits in the catalog

Additional Resources

  • NAMI McHenry County
    Find mental health support for yourself, someone you know, or additional training and resources from NAMI McHenry County. 
  • NCPI Family Engagement
    Explore the printables on this site for help building behavior regulation, friendship skills, emotional literacy, and problem-solving skills at home. 
  • Mental Health America
    Find resources, helplines, and information about various mental health issues here. 
  • McHenry County Mental Health Board
    Find local services, resources, and events regarding mental health. 

Find out more about Social Emotional Learning and its role in education, work, and society and explore resources and at home activities from the following organizations:

These kits were funded through a state grant received in partnership with Cary School District 26 to help promote Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems and improve mental health outcomes in the community.